Sarah D

Sarah D

Sarah D is the author of 'His Lingering Perfume' and also a content writer by profession. She also loves writing short stories on her Medium Blog. Sarah loves the Goan countryside, where she lives in India along with her family. She loves telling relatable short stories, and her blog and her book are a testament to this fact. She loves calling herself a God seeker and seeking like-minded company when she is not writing.

Book entitled 'His Lingering Perfume' by Sarah D was rated 5 stars by well known book blogger Kevein Mallik!

Who says awkward people can’t be Lovers?” goes the first line of the little novelette. I happened to be in the mood to “write a book” since a lot of people I knew were raving about doing this.So, with no experience and armed with the knowledge of a free writing course I found online, I spent close to 9 hours writing this tiny book. The book was published about a year ago, and this is a review written by a prominent Indian book blogger.In his review, Kevein Mallik, who rated the book 5 stars, has used words like “heart-warming” and “steady romance” in his review To tell the truth, as a new writer, who only had a little experience writing short stories on Wattpad, I never dream...

A Relatable Love Story!

This is the story of a Shy Rich Girl...

A shy rich girl that doesn't know how gorgeous she is...

She is a total tomboy who doesn't know to be girly...

Until one day, she looks into the mirror, and decides to make herself someone different...

That was a different day, her features aligned like planets in the Milky Way....

She has a secret someone,

He loves her dearly...

Read about their adventures in the book entitled 'His Lingering Perfume' by Sarah D, on Amazon!

Also here is a video describing a review by a notable book blogger Kevein's Books 

  • Sarah D

    Sarah D

    How did you become an author and get published? Share your experience.
    Well, I always nurtured dreams of being an author until someone informed me about something known as self-publishing. I looked it up online and found a few websites related to the same. I decided on The Pencil app and spent hours late at night writing this romance novella. I did not know it would be received this well, after all, it is my first book.
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