P.S. Winn

P.S. Winn

Hitting the goal.

I began writing after my brother passed away in November 2012, and couldn't stop. After writing 50 books in 5 years, I kept going. Then I was told a couple of years ago that I had 3 to 5 years to live. That inspired me to keep writing. My goal is 100 books before that life sentence happens. Maybe, I will continue writing once I make the way through the veil to the other side.  I write a lot of tales about something similar. The veil is thin and anything is possible.

  • P.S. Winn

    P.S. Winn

    What have you found to be most challenging about writing in [genre]?
    I don't face too many challenges, other than having three to five years to live. I love writing fiction and making stuff up. Coolest job in the world!
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