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Patricia Shannon

Patricia Shannon

My first book was self-published in 2009.

Because I lived in New Zealand for 17 years, I wrote most of my books in English. The hardest part is the grammar. I use different tools to edit my work and to perfect my second language. My mother tongue is Dutch. Last year, my husband and I moved back to the Netherlands. I am also publishing books in Dutch, such as Bovenaardse Fluisteringen, an E-book available on Kobo.nl. Before this last book, a compilation of short stories, I published a Dutch book based on a true story called Iustitia and Een Vurige Liefdesverhouding.

Other books written and published by me are Sarah and Kim’s Magical Adventure, The Adventures of Moonie the Moon Bear, An Unusual Gathering, A Cunning Liaison, Faithless Romance, and A Dangerous Love Spindle.

Besides writing and publishing books, I also write short stories, enter writing competitions, write blogs, maintain several of my websites, and enjoy creating short book trailers. I collaborate with a poet and writer in India. We founded ShannYog Creations to promote our work on social media and elsewhere. Through blog posts, we connect with other writers to provide background information about the writing process and give advice.

Recently, two of my short stories won first prize on Novelo.com: Clash of the Gods and What Crime Lurks Behind a Set of Keys?

When I write my books, I work with a blueprint for the plot and the characters. Those blueprints help me stay focused. I embrace the possibilities of AI as a writing tool, but I still incorporate my unique writing style.


  • Patricia Shannon

    Patricia Shannon

    Share some advice for aspiring authors. What advice would you give to your younger self?1. What is your favorite line from your book?
    Aim for a plot that evokes emotion - whether excitement, fear, sadness, or joy. An emotional connection can make your story memorable. One of my favorite lines from my book A Dangerous Love Spindle is "Reality had punched her in the gut with ruthless force." 
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