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The Interview - Kev Harrison


What do you like to do when you’re not writing?

I love to travel - hence the travel blogging I mentioned earler. I am a passionate language teacher and learner, so that fits in with the travel, as does my love of food and photography.

One of my other hobbies is running and this, to me, feels very much part of the writing process, as it's the most sure fire way to unpick problems in a tangled story.

What can we anticipate from you moving forward?

My next novel has been drafted and edited, and is currently with the last couple of beta readers. The first two to come back to me have been very positive, with some tweaks recommended in various places, but I think the book should be on track for a summer 2025 release, which excites me greatly!

Did you always want to be an author? If not, what did you want to be when you grew up?

When I was a kid and answering that classic question of what you want to be when you grow up, my answer was always either a writer or an actor. So, with my face perfectly adapted for radio, writing was always a more likely bet and, throughout school, I was always penning funny little stories, or spooky tales on the school camping weekend. 

I took a lot of time out from writing, my creative outlet in my teens and twenties mainly being writing and performing lyrics for the bands I was in as a screamer. But then, in my thirties, I started travel blogging and once again realised that love for the written word. I started again with fiction aged 37 and, 8 years later, am keen to continue.

How long did it take you to write this book?

I spent about twelve months drafting the book. That was with the odd deviation to write a short story for various anthologies and podcasts along the way. After the drafting process, I usually edit once or twice from start to finish, and only then do I send the book to beta readers. Once they've finished, they'll give me feedback on what works and what doesn't. 

With Shadow of the Hidden, I was lucky in that the changes recommended were relatively minor, so I made those tweaks and sent it off to a publisher. Once they accepted it, of course, there's another edit phase. So, you might say it's a two year process.

Are any of the characters in your book based on people in your real life? If so, can you tell us more about that process and how it influenced your writing?

In my novel, Shadow of the Hidden, one of the main characters, Oz, is not only based on a real friend I made while living in Turkey, but the fate that befalls him - specifically, a djinn curse - at the beginning of the book, really happened to this friend of mine. Luckily, in reality, after a short time, the weird events dissipated and things went back to normal. In the book... not so much!

Do you have any personal connection to the story or characters?

One of the main characters, as I mentioned, really found himself in this position of being cursed. Because I was beginning from his story, I really felt a personal responsibility to do his story justice. Add to this the fact that the journeys the characters took were ones I myself have done - though perhaps never with quite such urgency - and you can easily understand why I feel like there's a part of me in this novel.