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The Ultimate Near-Death Experience

The Ultimate Near-Death Experience

The Ultimate Near- Death Experience                       Website    

 “My Dream of Heaven” is a book by Rebecca Ruter Springer, originally titled “Intra Muros”. It was written in 1898 and is considered a nineteenth-century spiritual classic. The book is a vision of Heaven that was given to Springer during a time of pain and severe illness. She was unconscious for several days as she received the vision, which covers a period of years. Springer intended the book to offer comfort and hope to readers, and it has inspired generations of Christians for over 100 years. The book captures Biblical truths with emotional impressions and portrays the beauty of Heaven as an imperfect sketch of a most perfect vision. Springer’s story continues to accomplish her goal of offering hope and comfort to those searching for answers about the afterlife. The words of the author best set the stage for this beautiful treasure, which contains two missing chapters that have not appeared in print in more than 100 years. 

The manuscript was given to me over 22 years ago by my best friend's wife who had terminal liver cancer. Dave took me into their dining room where we waited for 20 minutes. Robin painfully shuffled out and sat down. She weighed 93 pounds, was only 43 and had a port implanted in her sternum. Her wrists looked like pencils and her skin color was deathly pale. However, her countenance was breathtaking and glowing. She sat down at the kitchen table and was absolutely joyful. No poor me or why is this happening. She said,“God could heal me if He wants, but I’ve got a big mouth, maybe He wants to use me from the other side.” They didn't attend a regular church but enjoyed a remarkable faith. Two months after she gave me the manuscript, Robin died. I highly recommend for all who have read it come to the same conclusion that It’s much too beautiful for the human mind to simply have made up. The small manuscript is truly Inspired and Divine. Following are some excerpts.

Rebecca died and was carried to Heaven by her uncle who had transitioned as an officer in the Civil War. He set her down in a beautiful meadow. She said one could get lost in the perfection of a single rose and was surprised to see herself wearing a beautiful white gown which somehow shimmered. They waded into a river and the water came up to their throats. She said, Stop! We'll drown. The earth thoughts persisted. He looked at her with a twinkle in his eye and said, We don't drown here. They went down over 40 feet and talked at length surrounded by beautiful light rays and refractions, like being inside a prism of diamonds. When they came out her hair and gown were instantly dry, and she felt as if she could fly. She did, later.

All the water in Heaven flows from the Throneroom of God and prepares the soul for the Celestial Life. She picked a fruit and said the flavor was extraordinary, beyond anything she had ever tasted. The juice squirted on her gown and instantly vanished for nothing impure exists in Heaven. Numerous streets were made of gold and surrounded by magnificent mansions constructed of textured stone, precious woods and beautiful minerals. All had breathtaking lawns and stunning terraces. Jesus said, "In my Father's House there are many mansions.” Children came into her home who were artisans, they had delicate tools and planted live roses in her marble floors. She was there quite a while, time was meaningless, when she came upon a golden lake. Rebecca said the vista was so stunning that she was barely spiritually strong enough, even in Heaven, to gaze upon the glorious beauty. There were dozens of spectacular boats driven by a technology she wasn't aware of. There is no night, just a softening of glory. They went to a massive outdoor theater and the dome roof was held up by columns of Jasper and Pearl. Softly singing angelic beings were up in the dome. Martin Luther of the Reformation strode out on stage. He talked of the effects the Lutheran Church had on Europe. All heads were bowed after he spoke, contemplating the wisdom shared. She looked up and out came Jesus. He was dressed in a golden suit and the Glory of God surrounded him. He spoke of the link between the earthly existence and Heavenly life. She said if she had known how the Saints and Angels watched over her in time, she wouldn't have worried so much. Jesus then spoke of how their beginning life in Heaven would be and the astonishing universes they would explore for all Eternity. When writing she didn't know of any earth words which could properly explain his teachings concerning the Celestial Life. We wouldn't be able to understand anyway. She saw the Throneroom of God.

One would not be able to behold this in human form. The Power, Glory, and Love were beautiful to behold and feel, all were immense beyond thought. The last thing she saw before waking from her coma was the Celestial Sea. There were huge, wooden, sailing schooner ships adorned with all the flags of the world bringing new arrivals from Earth. Their loved ones were excitedly awaiting on shore. She said, Oh death, where is thy victory? Where is thy sting?  

When finishing this writing I was somewhat at a loss for words and reflected on the meanings for several days. We truly do not have the slightest comprehension of how enormous God’s Love is for us. If one lives a life of pain, sickness, despair, fear, and heartache it will be as nothing the first minute being Home. Our tiny earthly existence is a fleeting moment compared to the wonder, glory, beauty, joy, peace, and love we will all share forever. Bob