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The Interview - Lewis Crow

When you're working on a book and a new idea pops up, should you pursue it immediately (also known as 'UP syndrome') or finish your current project first? What do you think is the best course of action?
I think it's okay to juggle more than one project at a time. It keeps me from getting burnout on either one.
Which character do you enjoy writing the most as a writer and why? If choosing a favorite character is like choosing a favorite child, which character do you find requires the most attention and detail from you as a writer?
I enjoyed writing my take on Captain Nemo in THE NEMO CHRONICLES trilogy. It was very easy to slip into that persona.
Can you explain your writing process? Do you prefer to create an outline and plan beforehand, or do you prefer to write more spontaneously and organically?
Most of the time, I outline the story before I start writing. I'm a very structure-dependent person.
What are some books or authors that you would recommend to our readers?
If you're a plot junkie like me, anything by Clive Cussler or Tom Clancy.
Describe the [book/series] in 10 words or less for people who are just learning about it.
For A COLD AND SECRET DEATH, "Some secrets can't be buried deep enough."
To date, what is your favorite (or most difficult) chapter you have ever written?
The chapter in THE LONE CAPTAIN where I had to kill off a certain character whom I had become quite fond of was probably the hardest to write. I just did not want to do it, even though it was best for the story.
Have you ever experienced writer’s block? How did you deal with it?
Take a break from the project for a while, then come back to it with a fresh mind.
Was there anything you had to research for the book?
I had already done extensive research over the years on the loss of the Scorpion, so there wasn't much fresh research needed.
Did you have any say in the cover design?
My covers are usually based on my own designs.
What can we anticipate from you moving forward?
In 2025 I will hopefully be publishing a lite sci-fi novella.
How long did it take you to write this book?
From the time I wrote my first draft to publication... would you believe about 37 years?
Where do you like to write? In a coffee shop? In your home office? On the beach?
At home, in the bedroom--nice and quiet.
What other hobbies do you have outside of writing?
Model kits, building with LEGO, listening to music.
Do you have any personal connection to the story or characters?
The mystery surrounding the loss of the submarine USS Scorpion, which was the inspiration for A COLD AND SECRET DEATH, has fascinated me for decades.