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The Interview - Jeevan Gopalan

How did you become an author and get published? Share your experience.

My first book under a pen name was a testing experience.  As I was self publishing my book.  The good part is in present days there are option for self publishing.  Which is exposing good author & some very good books for the reader and the world.  My experience is that writing a book and self publishing is not big, promotion and bringing it to the notice of the readers is a bigger challenge and very expensive which most cannot afford.  I feel because of this some gems of writings and authors are still hidden.

When you're working on a book and a new idea pops up, should you pursue it immediately (also known as 'UP syndrome') or finish your current project first? What do you think is the best course of action?

When idea pops up.  I note down it and continue with my current project.  As I would not want to discontinue my current project.  For me while writing ideas and thoughts flows and it will not stop till I am exhausted.  So, I prefer not to stop my current project.  Well each author has their own way of writing based on their personal abilities and advantages.

Which character do you enjoy writing the most as a writer and why? If choosing a favorite character is like choosing a favorite child, which character do you find requires the most attention and detail from you as a writer?

Characters cannot be a favorite character as a child should not be favorite.  Each individual has some positivity which others will not have it.  Well, there can be only two types. Good or Evil characters.  On a society basis it does have its affect very much.

Can you explain your writing process? Do you prefer to create an outline and plan beforehand, or do you prefer to write more spontaneously and organically?

I have a broad thought of the book in the beginning itself.  I write spontaneously and it flows out.  I complete the book and than I read, check & improve it.  My last book I have done this process between 14 to 15 times of the whole book before it being published.

What are some books or authors that you would recommend to our readers?

Robert Ludlum, John Grisham, Jack Higgins, Agatha Christie, Sidney Sheldon, Louis L'Amour, John Grisham, Alistair MacLean

Tell us what you enjoy most about writing [genre].

It is the ability to create something which does not exist or which should exist or change something which should not be how it is.  Science fiction which can be a reality.

What have you found to be most challenging about writing in [genre]?

Adding romance & dramatizing my plot and ideas.  It is tough as I am science fiction writer, thought I had written a psychological thriller about how the right belief can help mental health in scientifically proven ways under pen name.

Have you been able to incorporate your previous experience in [jobs/education] in your writing?

I was a voracious reader from my childhood and those books and authors gave me an interest in book and writing.  My earlier career in manufacturing industries in various position gave me opportunity to meet different people and learn their thoughts & also the world society and its thoughts.  Which would have been reflected in my books

Do you identify with your main character or did you create a character that is your opposite?

The life values of alien species is what I expect all of us humans to be someday.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?

I prefer not be be disturbed while writing as flow of thoughts goes off and I find it difficulty to get it back.

As an author, what critique has been the most challenging for you to receive? On the other hand, what compliment has been the most rewarding?

Well, the confidence readers to have on a self published new author.  The best complement was a reviews by readers:

  1. Who would  love to doubt that part of our DNA is from an alien species. Well it was uncomfortable but enjoyed the book.  I give 5 stars to the book for the authors ability to scientifically able to do put me in a position to question my own DNA.
  2. I don't understand how the book has been mentioned as Sci fiction Genre. Well the major part is so. But what I liked is how the author has smoothly added Romance, self help, social and economic and even spiritual issues into it. Readers don't realize that he has successfully added so much message into it.
  3. I liked how the book transported me to the alien planet and way of life several million years ago, and then it brought me back to Earth 80,000 years ago. I was not aware that I was not with them but rather inside a book. Well, because the author was new to me, I had my doubts about the book. However, after reading it, I became aware of how we have preconceived notions and a stereotyped view of new writers. The book's cover page could have been more appealing, which is a drawback because readers are typically drawn to new books & authors by their covers. 

Share some advice for aspiring authors. What advice would you give to your younger self?1. What is your favorite line from your book?

Write well & if self publishing promote well which is requires funds.  Don't give up your confidence which hurdles come on the way.  As success does not come so easily.


What do you like to do when you’re not writing?

Be among the nature

Was there anything you had to research for the book?

Well, since my books is a science fiction, I had to do a lot of research as I wanted the book & thoughts to have real believable science so readers can be taken into illusion and  question is this only a fiction or is it real incidents disguised as fiction.  

Did you have any say in the cover design?

Yes, the cover page idea was given by me to the creator.  I had given the broad outlook of what I was expecting.  And they have wonderfully created it.  Well, it would have been better with some embossing with Gold and Silver color.  As readers are attracted to book covers and once they lift the book, they will read the introduction.

What are you reading right now?

Honestly, I don't get time to read now.  As I have become a part time writer now as I have started to work in an Industry.

What can we anticipate from you moving forward?

My present book 'Marga' and the series that is coming is very unique and something which raises questions why cannot it be true?  Well, I am confident this book and the series is going to be taken into block buster movies.  The book is waiting to be noticed by the right movie director, reviewers & critics. 

Did you always want to be an author? If not, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be start my own business from childhood along with being an author.  

How long did it take you to write this book?

It has taken me around a year.  I used to write for 2 hours a day and on week ends for 6 to 7 hours.  I have worked on around 14 to 15 drafts and improving on it.  Well, the output has been wonderful and some of the reviews I have received proves that my work of around a year has been worth.

Where do you like to write? In a coffee shop? In your home office? On the beach?

Love to write on a beach or among nature.  As I love nature and the purity of thoughts it can bring into my writing.  Crowded places is not right for me for writing.

Do you listen to music while you write? If so, what kind of music do you like to listen to?

No, I don't listen to music while writing as my concentration will be on writing.

What other hobbies do you have outside of writing?

Music, reading, watching movies & science, nature related topics on TV

Are any of the characters in your book based on people in your real life? If so, can you tell us more about that process and how it influenced your writing?

Well, it was not only people I have met but the whole world & the society has influence my writing.

Do you have any personal connection to the story or characters?

No. But, the world, nature, & humanity has connection.