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Grits, Grace, and Grands

Martin Wiles Martin Wiles

Amazing is the word that describes what grandchildren can teach us, and my seven rambunctious grandboys have taught me much about the word. But they have taught me much more. Over the years, and still now, they have taught me much about God's grace. I hope you will enjoy the journey with me as we walk through the years and learn more about God's mercy and grace through the eyes of grandchildren. I am sure, if you are a grandparent, you will find similarities. And if you are not there yet, these stories will make you anticipate the day when a small one will call you Meme or Pop.

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Awakening with Ease : A Simple Direct Path for Wise Women Leaders, Mindful Entrepreneurs, Immigrants, Minorities and Seekers


This book is a part memoir, part self-help manual for modern day mindful seekers, scientists and contemplatives who left religion of their upbringing, but have a deep longing to know about purpose and meaning of human life and journey, nature of reality, knowledge of mind and self for love of ultimate wisdom and universal truth.The author wondered at age ten whether Einstein or Buddha would be a better role model for a happy and fulfilled education, life and work. Twenty-two years later she quit her stressful job and career path as a city planner to find her own path to awakening, drawing inspiration from the Buddha's teaching. Barua offers a new vision for a love-based mindful paradigm that...
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Eye on the Blaze

Terry Thomas Bowman Terry Thomas Bowman

From Georgia to Maine, thousands of white paint blotches or “blazes” mark the Appalachian Trail to guide the hiker. Staying on the trail requires that you keep your eye on the blaze. God, who is also described as a blaze (Ex. 3:2, 21 and Acts 2), calls us to walk by faith and trust His direction when we experience tough terrain in life. Though we can seldom see beyond the next turn in the trail, we should take heart because God knows the way. He blazed the trail. But sometimes we need a mentor, someone who’s hiked before us, to help us stay on the path.Terry Bowman completed the Appalachian Trail in September 2018, eighteen years after being introduced to backpacking. In Eye on the Bla...
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Seeing GOD, Face To Face


The Universe is information aligned in mental energy under rules and laws to appear as a "physical" manifestation. The mental energy produces a perception in the divine Mind. The perception has several values that make it seem real. We call it a world of "sense perception." The divine Mind is real. The mental energy creating the perception is real. The perception itself is mental smoke and mirrors, it has no actual reality. The divine Mind is All. The Universe is entirely mental and as such, it can be mentally manipulated to deliver whatever life you will. The Law Of Attraction is only the beginning of understanding this mental process. Join me on the path to mental mastery!

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