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The Lip Reader

Michael Thal Michael Thal

“It’s not what you get in life, it’s what you give back that truly defines you.”Set in Iran during the 1960s and 1970s, and later in Los Angeles, California, Zhila Shirazi tells her story firsthand. She reveals the real-life struggle of being a deaf woman who refuses to allow adversity to stop her from reaching her dreams of living a normal and fulfilling life.In 1985, disgusted with the treatment of Jews by the new Islamic government, Zhila immigrates to the United States in pursuit of better circumstances and a chance to receive a cochlear implant to improve her hearing. However, it isn’t until she is forty-nine, when she meets her soulmate, Mickey Daniels, that she begins to fee...
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Corona-tion Stories

Shishir Baxi Shishir Baxi

“Coronation” is a portmanteau of “corona” and “nation”. "Corona-tion Stories" is a collection of short stories which explores how individuals were impacted by the conquest of nations by a virus called Corona.This is a collection of six short stories of 6,500 words each. The stories are loosely based on the timeline of the spread of the virus and the global fight-back. Four of the six stories are set in Mumbai (India), one is in Paris (France) and one is in Dubai (UAE).The stories do not make the virus the “hero” or “villain” of the narratives. They try to draw out the impact of the virus on one individual, and their response to a situation they had never faced before. The...
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