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David Lee Corley

David Lee Corley

I’ve written 14 novels and 24 screenplays, four of which became motion pictures. I’ve written in a wide variety of genres but nowadays I mostly write historical war fiction with lots of action and suspense. I love the lessons history can teach us if we pay attention. I pride myself on being historically and technically accurate, but I am far from perfect. My favorite authors are Cormac McCarthy because he dislikes unnecessary punctuation, Ernest Hemingway because he wrote The Old Man and the Sea, and Elmore Leonard because he cracks me up. I would add Stephen King because he writes interesting characters, but I don’t want to be a hog.

I walk my own path in life and seek the extraordinary. I’ve been around the world three times and visited 56 countries. Like my father, I love seeing what’s over the next hill. I scuba dived the Great Barrier Reef, touched the giant stone heads of Siem Reap, got mugged in Guadalajara, hiked the Great Wall of China, sailed around the karst islands of Halong Bay, fell under the spell of flamenco in Madrid, awed by the carved stone buildings of Petra, climbed up to the Greek monasteries of Meteora, bitten by a huge spider in Laos (not fun), and visited dozens of UNESCO World Heritage sites. Earth is truly amazing. Please take care of it after I’m gone.

I have three offspring that are now adults and show little fear to try new things. They used to listen to me. Now, not so much. Probably a good thing. I live in Thailand because I never need to worry about slipping on a patch of ice and falling on my ass. Plus, it’s paradise inhabited by kind people with white-toothed smiles and the food is great.

The Beast Cometh: A Vietnam War Novel (The Airmen Series Book 21)

Helicopters swarm as sporadic explosions and gunfire reverberate throughout the capital. Panic engulfs the streets filled with civilians. A desperate dash to flee before the fall. The South Vietnamese military hanging on by a thread, buying time for the people.Viet Cong and North Vietnamese troops wash over the city in unstoppable waves. Communist soldiers advance toward the presidential palace, their faces canvases of the hardships and sacrifices they endured for a war they fought so long. Their final goal within reach – the unification of Vietnam under a communist flag.Everyone wants out before it’s too late. Money means nothing, gold is everything. Anxious children grip their mothers ...
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Twilight of War: A Vietnam War Novel (The Airmen Series Book 20)

What secrets do the fog-laden jungles of Vietnam still hold?In 1973-1974, a fragile truce hangs in the air. Nearing their exit, American soldiers, weary yet resolute, move stealthily through battle-scarred landscapes that harbor unseen enemies. The morning mist that shrouds the terrain that seems to breathe with a life of its own, where danger lurks in shadowed corners.Back home, families gather as television screens cast a flickering, distant connection to lands engulfed in turmoil, igniting a medley of pride and confusion. A country bitterly divided, seeking a new direction, seeking redemption from failed international policies.As the scent of rain mingles with the residue of gunpowder, Vi...
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